What Causes Multiple Bumps Inside The Bottom Lip?
Please kindly provide a photo and some extra information
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Thank you for using HCM to post your health query.
Will you be able to upload a picture into our system, so I have a look at these lumps?
In that area, there are normally some small lumps. I want to make sure how they look and if they are normal. In case they aren't I can advice you accordingly,
Also, can you tell me more information about them:
Are they painful?
How have they started and how have they developed with the time?
Do you bite the mouth mucosa there?
Have you tried any medication?
Are you practicing oral sex?- there are some lesions caused by a sexually transmitted infection.
Looking forward to your follow-up question.
Dr. Papaqako
Seems normal
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow-up question.
I saw your picture and yes it looks normal.
It is actually normal to feel these small bumps, due to the structure of the tissues in that area, because the surrounding tissues are very soft and there are a lot of blood vesels. They should be felt around 0.1-0.3 cm, not larger.
Unless you see a lesion over the musosa, with irregular shape and color, then you don't need to worry about.
I would recommend though to try and not bite the mouth, because the frequent trauma will predispose for cancers. But as soon as you do regular check ups to your dentist then he should notice them in case of any.
Hope this is helpful.
Let me know if you need more clarifications. Otherwise please kindly close and rate the answer.
Also I've got multi lymph nodes in groin area around 2 cm and one that changes size in neck all moveable one in the neck is soft while the groin area ones are kinda soft, also a lump behind my ear that's none moveable and semisoft but attached to the bone it seems had all these for years and all I had done was blood which came back okay? What should I do? What are they?
If no increase in size or number then no worries, just follow-up.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the extra information.
Seems like you have had the nodes for year, and they haven't changed. If they don't change in size, then you have nothing to worry about. Same applies to the ones you have in your mouth.
But if you see that the ones you have in your mouth increase in size and number, and also the nodes you have in other parts of your body, then you should consider doing again a complete blood count and checking them to a doctor/dentist.
One suggestion it is to draw a picture of your body and to write the places and sizes where you notice the nodes. Check them in 3 months and if any more nodes or if bigger then see a doctor or follow-up with me and I can advice accordingly.
I hope I have answered your question. If you have anymore questions, feel free to write back.
Dr. Papaqako