What Causes Nausea And Weakness When Suffering From IBS?
Investigations / Cardiologist / course of an antibiotic
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query. I have read your history and Medication history and could understand some points; to recapitulate:
Gastroscopy and colonoscopy was done and you were told the diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and a slight Hiatus Hernia. You were kept on Motilium and Emazole as as and when necessary (SOS)- had few good weeks but feeling nauseated, weak and light headed for the last one week- diarrhea spmetimes - you are worried about IBS has come back- diet as a issue - taking Nebimal 5 for irregular heartbeats - you are 61 and otherwise happy...
I would think of the following in such a case:
For us to say this as a IBS i.e. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, all the investigations should be normal.
I would advise the following investigations and treatment in a such a case:
*Routine blood investigations like Complete blood picture, blood sugar, urea, creatinine, liver function tests, thyroid function tests.
*Urine -routine and microscopy
*Stool: routine, microscopy, occult blood, culture and sensitivity.
*Ultrasonography of abdomen,
*Colonoscopy ( Already done and I take this as normal as you have not mentioned any report)
All these investigations should be within normal limits for one to say you have IBS.
Getting IBS at your age is rare as one gets accustomed to everything in life by this time. You said you are very happy otherwise so nothing major- this makes me think of some unknown factor increasing your stress or anxiety as a remote but a possibility. Stress is the major reason for IBS. ''STRESS'' = stress is the most important cause of IBS. Please remember and you must have observed that when you do not have stress your problem with IBS is reduced
Nebimel is a beta-blocker and is basically given for hypertension and to slow down the heart. The side effects are headache, tired feeling of tiredness, nausea, stomach pain, diarrhea, sleep problems (insomnia). Almost all of your symptoms are fitting into this.
I would request you to talk to your Cardiologist and / or Gastroenterologist about this and discuss this in detail and to see if he can change over to another medicines for your heart.
IBS has many causative or precipitative factors- stress, change of foods; so you have to note down what has increased your problems and to stop those factors influencing the better outcome. Diet: take the foods and beverages which suit your intestines.
I would also advise you to take Motilium at 8 hourly duration and to continue with
Emazole 40 once a day for a longer duration.
A course of an antibiotic and Metronidazole can certainly help for a recovery. Vit A and Vit D in therapeutic doses, Multiviatamins, probiotics, anxiolytics help a lot.
There is a possibility of a sub-clinical intestinal infection giving such problems hence a course of an antibiotic and metronidazole can help you.
It is not normal to feel so miserable. Get started on antibiotic and metronidazole under your Doctor's prescription which may help solve the present problem.
I hope this answer gives an insight for you get an early diagnosis and proper treatment.