What Causes Nocturia While On Losartan?
Nocturia is mostly due to Senile physiological changes at old age in female
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query ,based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you are facing problem of nocturnal frequency for urination (Nocturia) and other issues due to loss of sleep .
I shall be happy if you can post me few more details to help me in making comments on your problem.
1) Are you Diabetic ?
2) Do you have Urgency for urination.
Nocturia that you have may be partly due to Losartan that has been prescribed for high Blood pressure .However the cause of Nocturia after the 60 years of age in females is due to
1) Physiological age related changes that produce more urine at night (Nocturnl Polyuria)
2) Reduced bladder capacity due to atrophy of Genito Urinary organs including bladder that occurs in elderly females .
The goal of management of Nocturia is focused on to modify life style .Many drugs have been tried to treat this conditions but these drugs really have very limited role or effect to resolve this condition and have many side effects.
Following general measure do help to reduce nocturnal frequency for urination .
1) Have a moderate exercise that suits to your age and tolerance
2) Avoid drinking Coffee and other aerated beverages before going to bed
3) Restrict your fluid intake after afternoon
4) Empty your bladder before going to bed .
5) Do not drink water when you wake up to pass urine in the night .
If you have urgency you can take antivholenergic drug like Darifenacin once daily .
Try this and hope you get some relief from this issue .
Hope I have answered your query ,please feel free to ask if you have more questions , I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.
To answer your 2 questions:
1. I am not diabetic
2.Yes, I do have urgency to go.
I don't drink anything in the evening after 8pm.
Before taking Cozaar I only got up one or twice through the night but, since taking it I'm up and down all night.
Is it not harmful to lose so much fluids through the night? I don't drink when I wake because I'll only go even more.
Why is my bladder tender?
Thank you, XXXXXXX
Bladder is tender because it is Over Active Bladder .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for follow up .
Losartan is an diuretic and cause increased urination .
Consult your treating Physician to change Losartan and prescribe for substitute to treat hypertension .
The urgency that you have can be controlled with anti muscuranic drug like Darifenacin once daily .
Thanks and Regards.
Thank you so much for your very useful information.
I will consult with my doctor and hopefully get good results.
Best Regards,
Thanks for writing again .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing again .please do write if you need my help .I shall be happy to help you .
Thanks and Regards.