What is the most amazing thing is that scan to the brain normal,
blood test including
ESR,Cprotein reactive ,normal, I did not have a scan for the spine, The legs when in sitting position become stiff and numb, the chest and neck follow same patern. When I wake up in the morning I feel that my body is all covered with dead skin. I have to walk a lot to warm it up. All the tendons as I mentioned are becoming numb and non flexible( maybe a bit) After sitting down this
soft tissue is slowly becoming hard . Includes , head, face,chest, neck I mentioned the shoulders. The moment I explain to a doctor his/hers answer is ,never heard of it ,maybe is
anxiety.I think this symptoms leaves anybody wonder. Again, while moving legs head ,neck,face,hands are almost normal. When stop moving the energy in all described is not there. Having the feeling that all this soft tissue is not flexible. Imagine after few hours of sleep I wake up will all this non flexible soft tissue on me . Blood pressure is ok. Imagine that I wake up and I have to rub ,chew shake, just to make all this (back of the neck also)getting a bit of life. Before used to take a couple of hours before they all become stiff again, now in 5 minutes I am in that horrible condition. THX