What Causes Numbness In Face Radiating To Arm With Dizziness?
Need an neurological examination and good history taken.
Detailed Answer:
Good evening. You will need a good neurological review and history by a neurologist (preferably) along with blood work and an MRI of the brain with gadolinium contrast. It would appear that you are having not only sensory but also motor symptoms. The following list is a partial conglomeration of causes for burning and numbness in the face:
1. Strokes
2. Bell's Palsy
3. Trigeminal Neuralgia
4. Demyelinating conditions
5. Shingles of the face
6. Diabetic neuropathy
7. Tumors
8. deficiencies of Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, D2, and D3, Folic acid
9. Anxiety, stress, panic, other psychiatric/psychological symptoms
And there are a number of psychological causes to your symptoms that could also be considered.