What Causes Numbness In Lips And Chin After Jaw/chin Cosmetic Reduction Surgery?
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The numbness is normal post surgery because of the stretching of the nerves during the surgery. Usually it takes about 3-4 months to recover and the tingling sensation you feel is all part of the recovery. It's something your surgeon should have informed you about.
I had a look at the pic you sent. The dimple seems to be scarring tethered to something under. Could be attached to the bony segment they filed or reduced. Usually if its related to scarring it should settle down.
You mentioned that massages help. Please keep doing that... massaging upwards and backwards towards the angle of your jaw.
If you could find a chin strap please use that... that would help too.
If it doesn't settle down in a few months then you might need some subcision with fat grafting or the likes to help release it.
But for now just do the massages and the chin strap if possible. Also please contact your surgeon. Since he has done the procedure, he would know exactly the reason for this.
Hope I answered all your queries.