What Causes Oily Scalp?
I am 27 male XXXXXXX My scalp normally stays oily in day time and I sweat too much from scalp in hot weather. Some time it becomes dry too..
No problem with these, but have below problems. Please check and help.
1. when scalp becomes oily it starts itching, sometime i can see itchy pimples. Have gone to doctors few time and had taken Antibiotics and shampoos like KZ lotion, Kertyol, Endruff lotion etc..once after medication it becomes bit less but i need to use these shampoos daily to avoid itching and pimples and at the end of the day it always bit itchy
2. I have seen my scalp shape has got bit changed. Its not round anymore like before. It is bit enlarged at the crown area where it normally itches. Even just infront of crown area it bit enlarged. I have lost hair in these parts. It’s like a bump looks like normal scalp but changed in shape. There is no puss.
3. In cold condition it becomes bit dry and I can see small white sand kind granules comes out from scalp. When i touch it from my finger nails i can take get few such granules.
Any advice will be really helpful. Thanks in advance.
Seborrheic dermatitis
Detailed Answer:
Hi! Excess sebum (oil) production in the scalp, called seborrhea, leads to inflammation of the scalp skin (dermatits)- the disorder is therefore called seborrheic dermatitis.It is associated with overgrowth of a naturally occurring fungus called Malassezia Typically a minimal itch stays all the time with itchy flares occurring at different time intervals.
The treatment involves medicated shampoos containing ketoconazole,cicloprox,coal tar, selenium sulfide,salicylic acid and zinc pyrithrone used twice weekly for a month and,if necessary,almost indefinitely. Mild topical srteroids can be applied for 1-3 weeks to reduce inflammation in acute flareup Tar cream can also be applied to areas of resistant scale and shampooed off after a couple of hours.
The exact protocol to be followed in your case will be decided by your dermatologist. All the best!
Seborrheic dermatitis
Detailed Answer:
Hi there! The scalp appears different around the itchy area perhaps because of the
persistent inflammation as well as skin thickening secondary to constant itching.
Good shampoos are : Nizral, Selsun, Ionax-T etc. Topical steroids - Desowen (contains Desonide). Hope that answers your query. If you do not need further
clarification please close the question. Always glads to help! Dr.Vohra