What Causes Pain And Clicking Sound In Jaw While Eating?
Whenever i start to eat i feel pain in my jaws and ears. There is also a kind of clicking sound in my jaws. Is this something serious? This used to happen before also but went away after a few days. Kindly advise
TMD (temparomandibualr disorder).
Detailed Answer:
I had gone through your question and understand your concerns that you are having pain and clicking sound in jaw.
As per clinical details, it appears to be TMD (temparo-madibular disorder) secondary to uneven bite or trauma or due to stress.
I suggest you to follow these measures to overcome your pain issues.
1. Give rest to the the joint, take soft food and avoid chewing gum.
2. Avoid opening the joint too wide and clenching the teeth for long periods of time.
3. Do not rest your chin on your hand.
4. Take simple over the counter brufen 400mg as pain killer for couple of days.
5. cold compression over joint, for relaxation of surrounding muscles.
6. Last but not least, stress free life style.
In case of persistence, you need to evaluate with ent surgeon or dentist to rule out other causes.
Hope this answers your question, if you have additional questions or follow up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
Wishing you good health.