Question: Hi there, I am a 28 year old male, Caucasian, and about two weeks ago(on a Sunday) I started to feel achy and figured I had a cold coming on. I ran a
low grade fever for the next couple of days(99 - 100.5)and decided to go back to work and finish the week out. Well, on that Friday, sitting at my desk I noticed pain and soreness coming from the lower part of my
scrotum area, I didn't think much of it at the time, I figured maybe hemorrhoids.
Well this last weekend my fever, aches, and chills came back again and I went to a clinic on Monday. My temp was just over 100 and the doc noticed some
Thrush on my tongue and noted some pain and tenderness in the sinus region and diagnosed that it was likely
Sinusitis (Something I've dealt with many times). She prescribed Amoxicilin and an oral rinse for the thrush. I didn't really mention the
perineum soreness.
What has happened since that visit is what concerns me the most, I'm getting fever in waves, some parts of the day I'm fine but then around bedtime my temp will soar again(up to 103 at times) only to have come back down again in the morning! What has remained constant is that my perineum is very tender and sore to the touch, I feel it most during bowel movements, or coughing, or when I am shifting around while sitting which of course puts pressure on that area. I've been doing research all morning and
Prostatitis, or some bacterial infection of the
prostate has me extremely worried. I don't have any urination difficulty, and haven't noticed any particular pain during or after ejaculation, but as tender as this area is I want to be very careful. Can you help me?