What Causes Pain In Chest And Shoulder While Sitting In A Reclining Position?
Pinched nerve might be the reason.
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Thanks for the query.
In view of pain in particular position, it points towards compression of neurovascular bundle in that position leading to pain.
This may happen in case of cervical rib, age related degeneration around shoulder joint with resultant pressure of nerves or a mild slipped disc putting pressure on nerve in that position.
A clinical examination is good enough to confirm diagnosis.If needed doctor may order imaging investigation.
Most such cases dont need treatment unless symptoms progress.Painkiller (better than aspirin )may help till then , if pain is significant, otherwise no need to take it.
One more thing- I am arising a precautionary alarm of angina.Sometimes heart related pain can present like this.So if there symptoms like easy tiredness, breathlessness, sweating, pain increasing on physical activity, then get a EKG done sooner.I am less worried about this as pain is on right side and also only in particular position.
Hope this help.Please ask if there are doubts.Regards.
I thought about angina, but there just seemed to be no rhyme or reason to the pain. One moment I was fine, they next moment the pain was there and it seemed to linger. In other words, there didn't seem to be any gradual physical regression. Since emailing you, the pain has subsided for the most part. Gone just as quickly as it occurred. If the pain reoccurs, do you recommend Advil over aspirin.
I recommend Advil
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In that cases Angina seems further less likely.
If the pain recurs, I recommend Advil over aspirin.
You are welcome.
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