What Causes Pain In Chest?
We need to evaluate for the cause.
Detailed Answer:
Greeting from Dr. Divakara.P
First of all thanks for choosing Healthcaremagic for posting your query.
There are different causes of chest pain . Common cause are Problems in Heart , Lungs , Lung coverings ( Pleura ) , Muscular problems , Hyper acidity or Nerve compression at neck Level .
I need to know more about your chest pain to diagnose the cause .
1. Is the pain intermittent or continuous ?
2. What is the nature of pain ? Burning or Pricking or Squeezing ?
3. Does the pain increases on coughing or sneezing or taking a deep breath ?
4. Does the pain increases on neck movements?
5. Is there any giddiness or breathing difficulty ?
But first get an ECG done to make sure everything is fine with the heart.
Kindly revert back with details asked and ECG report.
Any clarifications feel free to ask.
my answers:
1.Pain is intermittent.
2.Burning and little bit squeezing.
3.In this period of suffer i don't caught by coughing and sneezing but in deep breath i feel some little bit more pain but once i get up from my bed within 5 minutes my pain is go down and no feeling of any pain and my whole day is normal.
4.No effect of neck movement
5.Only when i m laying on my bed i feel some breathing problem.
You need to get certain tests.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the follow up.
Going through the description of your pain I feel that the possible cause for your pain is either due to lung irritation ( called as Pleurisy ) , heart problems ( less likely though ), Problem in your upper back bone ( Thoracic vertebra )
Pleurisy is a condition where there occurs irritation of lung covering called Pleura . It occurs due to exposure to Smoke ( Cigarette or other smoke ) , dust or cold air . If any of these you are getting exposed avoid it as much as possible .
Problem in upper back bone : Can cause compression of a nerve that supplies pain sensation to back and chest region. For the diagnosis of this condition you require X ray of Cervical and upper thoracic Spine . Kindly get it .
Heart problems : Insufficient blood supply to heart can cause this kind of pain but Heart problems are very rare in your age . But still it is better to get an ECG done to be on the safer side.
Also make sure you sleep in proper position , either flat or turned to one side . You can ask your doctor for a prescription of Muscle relaxant medication which will give you good relief.
Hope this information was useful to you.
Any clarifications feel free to ask .