What Causes Pain In Lower Back Area And Testicle?
Probably linked to back pain, continue drugs!
Detailed Answer:
Hi and thank you so much for this query.
I am so sorry to hear about this pain. From the information you have provided, this pain in the right testicle and lower limb is a radiation from the lower back pain. Treatment of the back pain would address these other symptoms and you do not need any special attention for this. In this light, I will suggest you continue with the pain medications for the back pain. Only seek further medical attention if the symptoms become worse or fail to reduce significantly within 3-5 days.
I hope this helps. I wish you well. Feel free to ask for more information and clarifications if need be. Thank you so much for using our services!
Back pain was gone for 3/4 days, back again now.
Why pain in the right testicle??. Has it all to do wit back pain.
Colestrol is at 7. got bloods done and they gone up, doin em again in a mt.
Please, what is colestrol?
Detailed Answer:
Could you please tell me what colestrol is? Check well if you spelled it right and also try t explain your understanding of it.
Back pain is can be projected to the testicles and lower limb. This is what I suspect you must be having. There is no single disease process that would cause pain at the back, the testicles and also the limbs. however, back pain can radiate to these areas and explains why.
As foe colestrol, I have no idea what that means and cannot address it at this time. Make it clearer so that I can respond to it.
I wish you well and hope to hear from you.
Hope to hear from you soon!