What Causes Pain In Middle Back On Taking Deep Breaths?
Possibly post cholecystectomy syndrome
Detailed Answer:
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Dear Sir,
Going by the description given by you, I assume that indication of removal of gall bladder is non functioning gall bladder without associated stones. If the routine pre-operative pain as assessed by your Surgeon is likely to be due to Gall bladder , it should improve after Surgical excision of the gall bladder(if its the culprit). If the cause of symptoms is not due to gall bladder its unlikely to improve.
Cho;ecystectomy done for right indication should cause improvement in symptoms.
These could be cause of your pain while taking deep breath
1. Post Cholecystectomy syndrome
2. Irritation of Diaphragm: Sub phrenic collection of fluids, or handling of diaphragm during surgery could cause cough and pain while breathing. It usually happens due to prolonged retraction of liver
3. Atelectasis of Lung/Pleural effusion: Minimal Pleural effusion could cause this kind of pain
4. Rare Possibility of Pancreatitis: Especially Post Cholecystectomy Pancreatitis needs to be considered.
5. Associated Gastiris
Let me suggest you further line of management
1. Reassessment of CT scan images: To rule out Pleural effusion / subphrenic collection
2. Thorough Clinical assessment by your Surgeon
3. Serum Amylase and lipase
4. Liver unction test
In the meantime i would suggest you the following
1. Steam Inhalation: 15-20 minues each session thrice a day, preferably using electronic steamer. It will help relieve the cough
2. Breathing exercise
3. Avoid following: Alcohol/carbonated beverages/ caffeinated beverages
4. Consume small quantity of frequent meals
5. High fiber diet and plenty of oral fluids
Majority of patients will show improvement in their symptoms over 4-6 weeks period.
Do get back to me if you need any further assistance, will be glad to assist you.
Take Care
Best Regards
Dr Deepak Kishore
Consultant Surgeon
2. Serum Amylase and Lipase