What Causes Pain In Right Side Of Temporal Area?
first get ESR and CRP values
Detailed Answer:
A new headache in the temporal area in 50 year old woman should strike any neurologist for Temporal arteritis while working up.
I suggest you should immediately get ESR and CRP blood tests done with the help of a doctor or yourself possibly. If they are elevated over 100 you should get a physical examination done for palpation of the course of the temporal artery where there is focal tenderness.
Whereever there is tenderness a biopsy can be taken to confirm the diagnosis. YEs rheumatologist can also diagnose TA. Do you have fatigue, malaise and muscular pain? As Polymyalgia is closely related to Temporal arteritis hence autoimmune related. CT and MRI may not be the best investigations but ESR & CRP are better.
Vascular doctors are not prime specialists but you can see one if they are available immediately.
How can I do this myself? Can urgent care help?Blood was taken today when I wasn't feeling any symptoms. Will this affect the results?
yes urgent care helps
Detailed Answer:
Sorry for delay.
You can ask for these tests at urgent care. It helps to identify if it is temporal arteritis. I think internist is a better option if you believe. They are well trained as well.
Blood results should not be effected by symptoms.
Let me know results.