What Causes Pain In Shoulder After Having Heavy Meals?
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Detailed Answer:
I can understand your concern .
Before explaining your symptoms I would like to ask that whether you have any of these cardiac risk factors such as ,
1.hypertension that is raised blood pressure
2. diabetes that is high sugar level
3 . lipid abnormalities
4.are you a smoker
5.what is your weight .obesity is risk a factor .
As mentioned by you ,you develop pain in left shoulder joint after eating and working with right hand. Considering your age, our main concern is about ischemic heart disease . That is any small blockade in your heart blood vessels .
Try to remember this also whether you develop chest discomfort , breathlessness or abnormal awareness of heartbeat after exertion such as going upstairs .
Above mentioned points are risk factors for ischemic heart disease and if any of them are present then complete work up for heart is required to reach the diagnosis .
Hope this will help you .
We will be more sure when you will provide aditional information asked by me.
waiting for your response .
Thanks for contacting HCM .
The pain does not last long, and occurs only when taking more than usual quantity of food.
Risk factors 1, 2, & 4 negative.
Risk factor 3 lipid profile not checked
Risk factor 5: 65 kg, height 150 cms
No chest discomfort, breathlessness etc while climbing stairs or treadmil workout or playing badminton etc.
Does yoga regularly.
Spicy food cause flatulancy and the associated discomfort in the chest. Once we went to a cardiologist and he ruled out any heart related issues and diagnosed it as caused by gas.
During investigation an year back for hyperthyroidsm a slight variation was observed in the ECG and subsequent ECHO revealed presence of pericardial fluid which according to our cardiologist, we need not be concerned since it neither enlarges or reduces.
Go through detail answer dear.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for giving detail information .
As mentioned by you if you don't have cardiac risk factors except age group and the most importantly you have no chest discomfort on exertion then it's all right and there is no need to worry.
Next thing to consider is acid peptic disease . That in simple term excessive gas formation, as mentioned by your cardiologist also.
For this you can take antacids such as proton pump inhibitors for example pantoprazole along with prokinetic such as domperidon. Avoid heavy and spicy food .
Continue with your exercise and yoga.
If symptoms persist discuss with your physician for the same. He can plan for certain investigation to look in to your stomach for any ulcer or abrasion etc.and for your pain in left shoulder while working with right hand is purely musculoskeletal. That may be because of fatigue or pressure on left shoulder or may be any unusual position of that arm.
Hope this will help you .
If you have any other concerns please feel free to message me .