What Causes Persistent Facial Itching?
The itching has been going on for more than two years, but I cannot determine when it will occur or why.
a few things to try
Detailed Answer:
Hello and thank you for the question.
This sounds like it could be an allergy or some sort of facial or trigeminal nerve irritation.
In the case of an allergy I would make sure that you are using no products other than hypoallergenic soap on your face. You might also try a very simple diet for a week or so, like rice and steamed vegetables only, to see if there is some food allergy going on. At a very minimum, I would consider a trial of no canned foods, no preserved foods and only water to drink for a week or so. If this does not work consider seeing an allergist.
Nerve irritation
The facial and trigeminal nerves innervate the face and in some cases can cause itching or pain. The best type of doctor to sort this out would be a neurologist.
I hope you get some relief soon.
Dr. Robinson
I will make an appointment with a neurologist.
Do you see any reason why I might also see an endocrinologist as it may relate to hormonal changes?
Detailed Answer:
I would see the neurologist first then if they cannot help you I would consider an allergist or an endocrinologist.
The itching really points to allergy so the allergist may be helpful.
Some doctors also offer food allergy testing.
Again, I hope you get some relief soon.
Dr. Robinson