What Causes Pigmentation Around Scrotum?
Kindly send good resolution pictures of the skin
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I can understand your concern for the sweaty skin around scrotum with dirty and ugly skin.
In view to help you best I humbly request you to kindly send me few good resolution pictures of the affected area especially focusing the skin.
For that you have a feature on the right of the page to upload the pictures. Kindly send good resolution pictures which can be magnified better and close analysis. OR Otherwise you can send at:
with "attention:Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia"
Hope to hear soon form your side.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD (Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases)
“Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation”
Detailed Answer:
Welcome again and thanks for posting details and pictures.
After analyzing your query and thoroughly watching the picture it appears that presently you have the problem of “post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation” which we commonly call as “PIH”.
To tell you simply regarding the is condition: This is a common phenomenon occurring due to the simple phenomenon of wear and tear to the specific color-giving cells of the skin known as melanocytes.
These cells are factory for color in our skin. In normal circumstances these secrete or produce the melanin pigment (the pigment because of which we have our own body color) according to it's own normal capacity. But in certain situations, where there either there is some injury or inflammation is present or due to continuous friction there is more tendency of melanocytes to secret higher color.
Here in these areas the melanocytes produce more color due to the continuous stimulus of that friction.
This condition is a simple phenomenon and is quite common in persons of dark skin and Asiatic origin or bit obese persons. So I stated before and you should not be worried about it. There are various medications which can be used under medical guidance.
To guide you further, you can apply certain skin lightening creams which contains the content like “kojic acid” in it under medial advice. Apply the cream in a very thin layer so that it should not be visible by naked eye. It should be applied at night time only. After a continuous usage of minimum 2-3 months you will see visible results.
Also try and reduce your weight if on higher side. Avoid any condition of sweating and continuous sitting. DO not wear any synthetic or tight undergarments.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help.
With good health and glowing skin wishes.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & STD)
Thank you.
I suggest Kojic acid creams at night time.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for your further follow up.
As per the pictures the appearance is not of fungus but a simple PIH only.
In my patients I suggest Kojic acid cream such as (Kojivit gel or Carofit ultra cream). As I said earlier it is to be applied in a very thin layer so that it should not be visible by naked eye. It should be applied at night time only.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any further questions, I will be happy to help or if not then can close the query and rate the answer.
With good health and glowing skin wishes.
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD- Dermatology & STD)