What Causes Pinched Nerve Spasms In The Hip Region?
Also traveled 34 hours from overseas by plane this week
it is possible that may be related to flight
Detailed Answer:
HI, thanks for using healthcare magic
The nerves that are responsible for the lower limbs emerge from the lower aspect of the spine.
Nerve related pain tends to be intermittent with no factors that either cause it or cause it to decrease, it may be burning, stinging, tingling, sharp etc
In more severe injury , bowel or bladder function may be affected.
The long flight or extended travelling could have put pressure on the lower back, this should be temporary and resolve within a week if it is the only cause.
Other causes of abnormal function of the nerves are--(1)low vitamin b12 and folate
(3)thyroid disease
(4)liver or kidney disease
(5)side effect of medication
(6)abnormal vitamin b6 level
(7)nerve conditions such as ms or stroke
(8)infection such as shingles
Sometimes the cause is not found
Normally over the counter pain killers such as aleve or advil can be started initially but if these are not effective then your doctor can give you stronger medication. There are also meds that are used for nerve related pain.
Imaging may be needed if it does not resolves or worsens.
Rest would be an important aspect of treatment.
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions
Thank You
The pain is only when I stand. OK when sitting and laying down.
I also have heard of of blood clots associated with extended flights.
usually associated with changes in the calf
Detailed Answer:
Yes, clots can occur with extended flights but this tends to cause calf symptoms usually
There would be pain, swelling,increased warmth and redness of calf.
The pain is usually also persistent.
clots at the hip can occur but they are rare. Would cause swelling and other symptoms of the entire lower limb since there is a blockage of blood flow of the entire limb
Please feel free to ask anything else