What Causes Poor Moustache Growth In Middle Portion Of Moustache?
Please apply minoxidil lotion twice a day, take biotin 1000 mcg once daily
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have read through your query in detail.
Please find my observations below.
1. It is usual for hair to grow less and slowly in the philtrum or middle portion of moustache in some people.
2. The hair in this area can take time to grow and if you are still young and less than 21 years then there is still time for it to grow completely.
3. You can apply minoxidil lotion (sold as MINTOP topical solution) and you can apply 1 ml twice daily in the area where there is less hair.
4. Taking biotin capsules 1000 mcg once a day for few months is also recommended. This is vitamin B 7 and helps in growth of hair and nails.
Wishing you good health.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to correct any oversight in my interpretation of your problems and discuss them in detail as per your requirements.
Hope your query is answered.
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