What Causes Racy Heartbeats And Shortness Of Breath?
You should check first your current treatment.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking on HCM!
Regarding your chest complains they don't seem to be related to any heart problems. So relax and don't worry !
In my opinion the troubles you have may be related to your panic disorder. I would like to know if you have changed the doses of Paxil or Klonapin recently and for how long have you been taking these drugs.
The prolonged use of Klonapin , may lead to the so called paradoxical effects of the drug or tolerance , which means that you need a higher dose to control panic symptoms. If lowered too much after a long period it may cause withdrawal syndrome, with similar symptoms.
Even Paxil may cause withdrawal symptoms , similar with your situation if the dose is decreased abruptly and not gradually.
I would definitely recommend you to consult with your prescribing doctor for the panic disorder and analyze if the treatment has been correct.
Hope to have been helpful!
Greetings! Dr. Iliri
You have to check out in several directions!
Detailed Answer:
Hello again! Seems that you have a variety of clinical problems in your medical history; each of them should be investigated carefully to address better their importance in triggering your complains.
(1) First check your heart rate and rhythm by performing an ambulatory 24 to 48 hours ECG monitoring to have a better objective view of your heart racing complain.
(2) A pulmonary function test coupled with an arterial blood gas analysis would help to define better pulmonary dysfunction (COPD grading), as it may be a source of heart racing.
(3) Neurologist consultation would be preferable to face again with fibromyalgia and discuss about the dose of Paxil to better control your complains.
(4) Thyroid hormonal levels should be checked to rule out any implications on heart racing.
At the end, I would say that your complains have nothing to do directly with your heart, and the heart is forced to go racing by some other problems. You have to be patient and to find it out with the help of doctors.
Hope to have been helpful.
My Best Regards! Dr. Iliri