What Causes Rapid Increase In Rate Of Metabolism During Fright And Flight Response?
so can the same doctor answer please.
I would like to ask what is the differences in the raising of metabolism rapidly, whether it is due to fear or anger or even a sense of urgency for some action. Are there any real differences?
What I am thinking since our last discussion:
* is that we have inherited (whether by evolution or creationism it doesn't matter) an ability to rapidly raise our metabolism for whatever reason and
* not that we have inherited (evolved/designed ) the emotion of fear or the fight or flight response.
Hormone response to dangerous situations
Detailed Answer:
Good day,
Thank you for writing back to me.
When body faces an anger/fear situation, several hormones are releases almost immediately. These hormones are pre secreted and stored by the body for such occasions. These hormones are adrenaline, nor adrenaline, cortisol, glucagon etc.
Several other bad chemicals like interleukins are also released.
These hormones alters the metabolism. Fear, anger or urgency/emergency situations all increase these hormones. However, the level of these hormone secretion is based on the amplitude of fever/anger/emergency.
We all inherit an ability to rapidly raise these hormones and our metabolism ( unless the adrenal glands are weak or the person is taking a drug like beta blocker).
The response to fear, flight-fight response is not just based on the hormones. Different persons perceive same threat/emergency differently. Some people respond too rapidly or excessively to a relatively trivial challenge where as some others handle really stressful situations more easily. This is based on his ability to handle stress, previous experience in handling such situations , mental capability and maturity. Our surroundings and previous experiences play an important role.
For example: Most people get scared by seeing an abandoned suitcase in a bus. They immediately start getting palpitations and get butterflies in tummy. We feel an urge to pass urine at that time and start sweating. But an illiterate person who has never seen or read about bomb in his life responds very differently when he sees an abandoned suitcase in a bus.
I really don't know if I answered your question. Please let me know.
To call it emotion of fear/ anger/ or situations such as urgency is only a matter of circumstances and conditions which had been learnt over time. It is not true to say that we have inherited or evolved to experience fear as a physiological response but only to use the ability to rapidly raise our metabolism for this purpose.
Complex system
Detailed Answer:
Yes, we are all born with an ability to modify/raise the metaolism rapidly according to the needs.
Fear and similar feelings are probably inbuilt in our body and mind at birth, which is modified according to the experiences and circumstances later on in life.
This is indeed a very complex subject and no one ever seems to have mastered this. Human body and mind are not fully understood yet.