What Causes Rashes On The Body After Unprotected Oral Sex?
Thoughts on this
Detailed Answer:
I can understand your worry, but a rash isn't typically the herald presenting symptom for HIV. More typically people have low grade fevers and swollen lymph glands, feel like they have flu, and often have persistent diarrhea. A rash can be from so many things. Can you upload a few photos using the "upload reports" button - preferably a good quality close up and one of the rash from farther back so I can get a perspective of what it looks like overall?
As it has been a year, and as you feel insecure about the possibility of HIV, a 4th generation test can be done (it's a blood test) and would be extremely accurate at this length of time. I think perhaps then you can put the idea of HIV out of your mind. Would you consider that?
I have uploaded the pictures. Please do take a look at it and reply.
Thank you
Looked at the pictures
Detailed Answer:
If I am seeing it correctly, it looks like the inflammatory hyper pigmentation of the rash is around hair follicles. If that is true, it may be folliculitis. Another possibility is heat rash.
After there are infections or pimples in the skin, when they heal it can leave increased pigmentation (darker spots) where they were.
Folliculitis can be caused by bacteria or by a fungal overgrowth on the skin. Soaking in hot tubs, wearing clothing that is tight or irritating, are a couple of reasons that make folliculitis more likely. Also wearing oils on the skin - that can block the hair follicles and cause it too. Since the area that you have it is fairly extensive, you may need medication from your doctor for this (in small areas, putting hot wet compresses is often enough).
Heat rash (also called miliaria or prickly heat) can come on from hot sweaty conditions and cause prickly type bumps, especially in areas covered by clothing. Heat rash usually just goes away on it's own in a few days to a week if the area is kept cool and dry.
Thank you for the information. This is what my doctor also told me. So I hope it's not related to HIV. I'm I correct?
Not typical pattern for HIV seroconversion rash
Detailed Answer:
No, this does not look like the kinds of rashes people get with HIV as those are not confined to just the area around hair follicles.
But to put your mind at ease and put this to rest once and for all, why not just get an HIV test and then you won't have to worry again.