Question: hello my name is XXXXXXX I'm a 23yr old female living in Australia. within the last year I average Experienced a series of unusual symptoms. dramatically in the previous 6months. certain symptoms seems to have gone away. although some symptoms have physically and visually gotten worse. it first started exactly as how they describe that symptoms of someone who has
deep vein thrombosis and furthered into a server episode of what I beleived to have been an thrombotic
embolism. (never was I diagnosed nor was I in my position to seek further
medical advice or medication. it would start the feet ankle or calves. in one or even both of my legs. the area appeared red, flabby, and warm. it was always worser than it looked to anyone else. the inflamed area stretched to no larger than average sized knee cap. it would travel upward against gravity get to my thigh. around the back of the buttocks to the bottom sides of my spine. continue up towards my shoulders an under my armpit. it's all uncomfortanle and 6/10 painful when this happens. after remaining around the under arm for a while it would ease and disapper. only once during these times did I actually experience hyper emotional and panic and also heart palpitations. these symptoms seemed to have fade. (though not completely). since then Ive experienced a drastic change in my skin particularly in the cheeks and jaw and mainly mouth. they appear like nodules beneath layers of skin an if Aggrivated, made a lot worse!! seemingly I. possible to let them heal. the lymphs under my jaw often swell making it difficult to manoeuvre my neck to either side. I've decreased muscle at strength and size in my upper arms. clusters of tiny freckles/
moles on my arms and shoulder which have change in colour to a pinky/red. one from each cluster tends to scab and bleed. Once one bleeds I noticed a very strange sensation swarm to the clustered area. has taken approx 2 weeks to heal and all that remains is the single spot that previously scabbed off. only now it looks like a tiny dark brown dot the size of a ball point on a pen. I've constantly worn artificial nails and recently discovered fungal toes. occasionally my fingers from mid knuckles to tips swell and get extremely tender as if there were a boil beneath the
dermis. this happens only occasionally and gets better after approx 1week 1/2. I have spotting of blood sometimes if I've avoided eating or sleeping. I've I.v injected street drugs before. ice in particular. I was Always strict on cleanliness with my routine. although that wasn't enough take stop my vein in left arm to collapse Temporarily on a handful of occasions. I do not use intravenously anymore but still consuming street drugs daily.
any idea on whats happening to me? ANY POINT TOWARDS THE LIKELY LIST OF CAUSES / CONDITIONS WOULD BE. A MASSIVE EASE FOR ME! I am currently on multiple doses of
azithromycin until my doctor gets a lab result on the infected skin around mouth which he took a scrape sample from. I am awaiting blood results also.