What Causes Red Flashes In Feet, Legs And Below The Knee While Sleeping?
It's varicose veins .Conservative management would help,
Detailed Answer:
Hi Rocksmith4,
Thanks for the query. I understand your concern.
From your description you seem to have varicose veins in your lower limbs.
- Leg veins have small leaflet valves which prevent back flow of the blood in leg veins.. while leg muscles pump the blood to return to heart for purification . But some times due to heredity/ abe/ obesity.. these veins get weakened & stop preventing this back flow. This results in engorgement of veins in leg.. making them bulging/ cork screw like / spider veins look.
This condition can result in various complications the most dreaded one being deep vein thrombosis.
You do not mention any other symptom.. so you are just beginning the problem & you are very lucky.. so as to prevent further complications.
- Management- The patient like you need just conservative treatment & active management with drugs / surgery does not seem to be needful Still it is better to consult a cardiovascular surgeon & get the thing conformed.
- Conservative management-
- Have an ideal life style with diet containing proteins, vitamins, minerals & plenty of water. maintain ideal weight.
- Regular exercises for leg/ walking
-use of compression stalkings if advised by specialist.
I hope the answer has satisfied you. Any more information you need.. I would be happy to help,