What Causes Red Patches On Penis?
Been having red patches on penis, close to the base of the head, and the foreskin.
These patches tend to appear and disappear within hours. I have noticed that after masturbation the patches are there, for a few hours then gone. My wife has changed the detergent that we use, and have asked her to switch back to the previous one. This situation has been going on for 6-7 weeks, no other symptoms.
Mild form of balanoposthitis.
Detailed Answer:
Hi young man.
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
This may be a mild form of balanoposthitis.
Please get blood sugar tests done of your and your wife.
This occurs in many families where for some reason there is a gap in sexual activities due to some unavoidable reasons or due to changed environments of the uncircumcised part of penis and / or vagina. So this becomes sexually transmitted between a husband and a wife till both of you get a proper treatment. The red patches which appear and disappear within hours as you have mentioned is a mild form of an infection not showing the full blown picture due to body's own healing mechanism and good resistance power.
The effective treatment is as follows:
Clean the area with plain water 2 to 4 times a day and and keep it dry with a pure cotton cloth or a dryer.
you may apply liquid Povidone Iodine locally or a Metronidazole cream- nothing else at all. We have seen no results with any other solution, cream or ointment. So do not try anything else; if you are using any, please stop it.
A course of antibiotic with metronidazole and an anti-fungal tablets orally to be taken by you and your wife simultaneously for 5 to 7 days should help you to get a cure.
The actual healing may take one to three weeks. Please do not have sexual intercourse or masturbation till you are healed well.
I hope this answer helps you to have a normalcy at the earliest.
Please feel free to ask for more if you need to. Get started with the treatment and let me know the results too.
Is it serious???
Not really serious.
Detailed Answer:
It is not serious but makes one aware too much.
It may heal on its own, who knows?
If there is a problem with a probable diagnosis it is always better to get a proper treatment to avoid possible complications which may be difficult to treat at a later stage. A stitch in time saves nine.
Are the blood sugar tests normal ?
Borderline i think
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test and HbA1C
Detailed Answer:
What was the normal range in the report ?
105 in the morning looks fine.
If there is a history of diabetes in family I would advise you to go for Oral Glucose Tolerance test and HbA1C blood test to make sure that you are not diabetic.
Balanoposthitis can be the first symptom of diabetes in many young male patients.
Thanks doc....since it is not serious I will let the body, try to fight it off first!!
Great, worth trying.
Detailed Answer:
Well, Sugar is normal.
All the best, but start the treatment the moment you feel the body is not taking over the problem. At least clean the area with plain tap water 2 to 4 times a day, let the area be exposed to air whenever possible. Avoid places with lots of humidity, heat and leading to sweating to assist a natural healing.
I hope this answer helps you, you may please rate this answer before you close.