Brief Answer:
Kindly see the suggestions below
Detailed Answer:
Welcome again to the forum and thanks for posting further details of your problem along with a close up picture.
The further information clears some aspects of your problem-
I can see the red spots as well as atrophic skin at the shin area. As this is on one leg only rules out any systemic disease in yourself as systemic disease would not manifest on one leg only. So do not worry about some serious cause or any systemic illness in your case.
Now, after ruling out a systemic cause for the problem, let us come to the local cause.
Let you first understand that the skin over the shins is one of the thinnest skin compared to other parts of legs and is in direct contact with bones. There is no underlying fat to provide safety and as cushion for external injuries.
As I can see that there are red spots accompanied by
atrophy of the skin - this indicates atrophy due to application of some creams (specifically of steroid origin or some other of mixed cream in which steroid is mixed which you might not be knowing). The steroid induced atrophy is one of the commonest cause of this kind of appearance.
So if you are applying any creams then must stop and get the proper knowledge that whether these contain any sort of
steroids in it.
It can be due to repeated trauma to the skin as an isolated process or as an additional process. As our shin area is quite sensitive and prone for trivial injuries which on healing can give atrophy and red appearance of the area.
Other factor could be age related atrophy, but you are quite young for the same. Even then post 40 years of age our skin has the tendency to get thinned out because of low regeneration of
collagen. This leads to thinning of skin which is very much pronounced over shin area because of already thin nature of skin.
In all the above circumstances where thinning of the skin is present there is more chances of small areas of blood collection due to collection of blood spots. These may disappear in few days and then reappear as in your condition.
The reason for tenderness and sensitivity over the shins should be sorted out as it can be a sign of
calcium deficiency or
vitamin C deficiency or an internal problem. You meet a family physician to report your sensitive shin problem.
After getting all the information you can act accordingly.
- Stop any cream application over the leg area and check for the contents.
- Preferably apply a bland moisturizing cream without any steroid in it.
- Take a lot of milk products to increase your calcium content.
- Keep a pillow on the side of legs to keep your legs bit elevated. This will reduce the edema if present and thereby reduce the sensitivity.
- Increase Vitamin C in your diet in form of all sour fruits and green vegetables.
I hope these informations will help you in getting rid of red marks and sensitivity of legs.I will be glad to reply any further queries.
I wish best and early recovery,
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
MD- Dermatology