What Causes Redness And Pain At The Site After Having Blood Drawn?
Please give details and post actual photographs if possible.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
To recapitulate: Male/22 - blood was drawn 5 months ago - from center vein from underside of wrist - no draw area - initially - painful for some days - redness even on touching - large area used to become red - // no more redness now - swelling and pain still persist - comes mostly at night - tingling in fingers and *arm - thrombophob - told to be thrombophlebitis - tablets ? - wants to know what should be done and whether there is something to worry about...
Please give few additional information points:
- Where exactly is the tingling in arm?
- How many/which fingers are affected?
Is it three and half fingers starting from thumb, index, middle and half of the ring fingers?
- Please post the clear and focused photos of the area, it helps sometimes in diagnosis.
- Any weakness in the fingers, forearm , arm, shoulder area or even the muscles from neck to shoulder?
- Any pain in the neck on the same side?
-Please get your Blood tests: CBC, ESR, Free T3, Free T4 and TSH and give me the reports.
- Also tap on the area and if you get tingling in the 3 and half fingers as mentioned above.
Please give feedback so that I can assist you further.
1) Tingling happens on the side of the arm from where thumb originates
2)2 and half fingers as mentioned by you are affected by tingling but not ring finger
3) I have attached the picture of vein when its swollen and pains. It happens at night usually before sleeping.
4)No weakness as such in arm, shoulder or pain in the neck.
5)With due respect, Blood tests will take some time but this discussion will close in 2-3 days. What should be done in this case?
6) Yes while tapping little tingling happens in thumb, index and half middle finger. This tingling is not much.
7) Sure, I will be sharing the feedback soon.
Most probably Carpal tunnel syndrome
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your feedback.
All the history at the moment seems to be due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
Please consult your GP/PCP for a reference to the Orthopedic Surgeon for further confirmation, evaluation and management.
I hope this answer get you the proper diagnosis and management to get a cure.
You are most welcome.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your appreciation.
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