What Causes Redness, Warmth And Tenderness In Leg?
Came on suddenly. No rash. Slightly warm. Tender when touched. Have had cold since Friday. Had 5 hour plane flight on Saturrday. Conditions started Sunday evening, gone today, just returned tonight. Thanks.
An image would be helpful. Check uric acid levels.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for asking on HealthcareMagic.
The redness, warmth and tenderness are all indicative of inflammation. The cause of such an inflammation can only be discerned on a careful clinical examination backed up by certain inverstigations. There is a probability of it being due to gout and I would suggest you to get your blood uric acid levels and RA factor checked. I would also insist you to upload an image so that I would be better able to comment upon it. Also get your blood pressure checked and let me know the details.
I find less likelihood of its being associated with the long flight but confirm only after getting your response.
Cold compress should provide relief.