What Causes Reduced Weight Gain In Child?
Its about my 8 months old toddler. His weight is 8.3kg. In last 2-3 months he had gained only 1.5kg. is this normal? He eats almost everything, all types of daals with rice, wheat roti soaked in milk( formula), fruits n vegetables 4 times in a day. Breastfeeding on demand. Have not started cows milk yet. we add little ghee in his every meal. My guess is may be because he is burning lots of calories while crawling all over home. Please advice what can we do to gain some weight.
His weight is perfectly fine
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the HCM
I completely understand your concerns and appreciate your awareness. Infants grow more during early part of infancy as compared to the later part. The growth usually occurs at various intervals known as growth spurts. I am sure your pediatrician is maintaining his growth charts. The dictum is, if your baby is not loosing weight or not falling below 2 major percentile lines on his growth chart, and his growth is above 3rd centile, then there is nothing to be worried about.
As for now, your baby's weight is perfectly normal for his age. Also the acceptance to various feeds you are offering is a good sign of optimum health. So, just continue same and ensure atleast 3-5 katori of these feeds along with breast milk. Also, you may introduce cow's milk now without any dilution.
Good choices to increase his calorie intake include whole milk products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, pudding, soup made with milk), avocados, whole-wheat breads and pastas, pancakes, mashed potatoes, nut butters, and hot cereals.
Hopefully this will be helpful. I would be happy to help you in any further questions.
Take care
Our paediatrician has told not to introduce cows milk till baby will be 1 year old, My wife stays at home so he got breastfeeded throughout the day.She produces enough milk. Do we need to start cows milk? other thing is can we start giving him dryfruits like almonds, resins, dates?
Breast milk is the best
Detailed Answer:
It's true that we usually advice to introduce cow's milk usually after first birthday because for infants it's difficult to digest and many times they may develop cow milk allergy. So, if your wife can feed him well then nothing is better than that.
You may give dry fruits but in powdered or puried form so that they don't get stuck.
Hopefully this will help you.
Take care