What Causes Severe Bloating And Water Retention In A Diabetic Patient?
Check renal status
Detailed Answer:
I am Dr Mittal.
I have read your message.
I think I can help you.
The symptoms of the query are quite suggestive of a few possible causes.
1. a kidney disease. This is a common problem in diabetic patients. The fluid collects in the abdomen commonly.
Check urine for microalbumin and test kidney function test for the same .
Less common causes are
2. heart failure. Again common in the diabetes patients, it's easily controlled by diuretics and needs echocardiography for diagnosis.
3. a possible liver failure. A possible cause of the abdomen distension, this is confirmed by the liver function test.
4. a possible effects of the metformin. However , this commonly occurs when the medicine is just started. Don't think that it's the cause in this case.
uncontrolled sugars can cause the symptoms but you have already mentioned that the sugars are controlled.
I therefore suggest testing renal function test and urine for microalbumin.
Let us know the reports.
Best of luck.
Dr Mittal