What Causes Severe Chest Pain Post Alcohol Consumption?
I recommend performing some tests.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking on HCM!
I understand your concern and would explain that your symptoms seem to be related to a gastrointestinal disorder.
Alcohol, spicy food and caffeine (contained in energy drinks and coffee) can lead to irritations of the gastro intestinal mucosa and painful contractions of the muscles of this tract, which can lead to pain and cramps, especially when there is an underlying disorder of the digestive tract.
A careful differential diagnosis between different disorders, which may mimic this clinical symptomatology is necessary to be done.
Your past medical history for stomach ulcers is concerning about a new exacerbation of this disorder.
Gastritis and gastric ulcers can be exacerbated from alcohol intake.
From the other hand the episodes of diarrhea and intolerance from codeine, raise the suspicions for possible gall bladder disorder (like cholecystitis or gall bladder stones). Codeine can induce spasms or painful contractions of the biliary ways, exacerbating this condition. Alcohol and spicy food are also triggering factors.
Pancreatitis (which is inflammation of the pancreas) could cause similar symptoms too.
Esophageal spasms could also be triggered by all the above mentioned factors and cause severe chest pain.
So I would recommend consulting with a gastroenterologist, for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, an abdominal ultrasound, an endoscopy of the GI tract and some lab blood tests:
- complete blood count (for chronic anemia)
- liver function tests (ALT, AST, gama GT, tot bilirubin, direct and indirect bilirubin, ALP)
- amylase plasma levels (possible pancreatitis)
- LDH plasma levels
- PCR, sedimentation rate (inflammation)
- blood electrolytes
and a stool analysis.
Hope to have been helpful!
Feel free to ask any other questions, whenever you need!
Dr. Iliri
I would recommend as follows:
Detailed Answer:
Hello again!
Thank you for the information provided.
Your liver function tests are within the normal ranges.
Regarding cholecystectomy, I would explain that it is normal to have sometimes pain, dyspepsia and episodes of diarrhea in this situation. The intolerance from codeine is common too.
You should know that the gallbladder function is to excrete biliary acids in a pulsatory way related to the food intake. The cholecystectomy makes this process irregular and not related to the food. The bile is directly excreted in the gut from the liver, without any relation to the food intake. This can cause pain, dyspepsia, abdominal distension from gas creation and episodes of diarrhea.
The fact that you vomit during sleep, raises suspicions for gastro esophageal reflux.
I strongly recommend performing a GI endoscopy to exclude the above mentioned possibilities.
Regarding the cold symptoms, I recommend would advise consulting with the allergologist and performing allergy tests. It may be an allergic reaction.
A sinus discharge culture and a sinus x ray are necessary to exclude possible sinus infection (even fungal infection), which could mimic this symptom.
Hope to have been helpful!
Best wishes,
Dr. Iliri
You are welcome!
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I am glad to have been helpful!
Please feel free to ask me directly at any time, whenever you need at the link below:
Dr. Iliri