What Causes Severe Pain In Lower Right Side Of Abdomen?
Investigations /Urologist/orthopedicsurgeon's advise/spcific management .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query under HCM forum.
I have read your query carefully, & agree with your concern to find the basic cause of your pain & eagerness to get rid of it.Please don't worry, methodical investigations & expert advise /treatment will help you.
Abdomen with many organs inside, is called as a magic box ,& to locate the pain causation becomes challenging
The pain in lower right side of abdomen can be due to many causes like Intestinal causes,uterine causes,pelvic causes, kidney & bladder causes,underlying bones, joints, spinal problems.
Out of these you have already investigated for intestinal & uterine causes. So what remains is-
* Kidney & bladder problems. This type of pain can arise from kidney infection, urinary bladder infection or renal stones which in ureter.So investigations like
Consultation & expert examination by a urologist followed by-
urine routine & microscopic examination,/ culture & sesitivity test
Xray to detect kidney ureteric or bladder stone
will give clue about kidney involvement.
* Pelvic inflammation& endometriosis along LSCS scar)- can be judged by a gynecologist's consultation & investigations like high vaginal swab testing/USG abdomen, laproscopic examination in few cases.
*Bones/ joints pain can be due to infection, inflammation, calcium & vit. D defeciency, Spinal & disc problems can cause it by getting nerve compressions at spinal canal - resulting in muscular / joint stress & pain.
- these can be pointed out by an examination by orthopedic surgeon & Xrays. Vitamin D, calcium & R factor testing of blood would help to pin point the cause.&Blood sugar testing & diabetic profile to exclude ketoacodosis.
*Pain at old LSCS scar can be due to - itching & inflammation / abscess formation an scar tissue, scar hernia,Endometriosis at scar.
An expert examination by surgeon would note them.
** in this perspective would advise you to call your doctor . He will examin you & direct you to spinal surgeon/ orthopedic surgeon/urologist/ gynecologist as per his impression.
A detailed examination & investigations would be done by the expert concerned which will include few enlisted above.followed by specific treatment.
* Self care- Till you get an expert advise-
- take rest & easy to digest diet.
- Drink plenty of water,
- avoid massage or fomentation of the painful part.
- A pill of NSAID like Ibuprofen can be taken after food -for sever
- I case of unbearable pain go to ER for urgent treatment.
I hope the answer is informative & helpful for you. Any follow up query is welcome,.