What Causes Severe Sore Throat, Swollen Glands, Body Ache, Nausea And Fever?
ahhh... I am looking at your previous questions
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This has been going on for almost 2 weeks. there is objective evidence of inflammation (elevated platelets and at least borderline wbc). This may or may not be the Second course of antibiotics this month. Frankly, I agree with absolutely every response you've gotten and I think you have been a great person to interact with !
That being said, the viewpoint Now is going to be different than the viewpoints Then. You have an off and on illness since XXXXXXX
Certainly a monospot test. For that matter you could go with all the other chronic virus tests:
HIV perhaps (note that the most common risk factor in the first surveys of women were heterosexual long term monogamous relationships!... with husbands who were hiding risk factors!),
but mono is much more likely.
Testing for hepatitis is probably reasonable.
Not sure about lyme, frankly I doubt it is a reasonable consideration.
I have seen undiagnosable illnesses present this way (the patient finally mentioned that all the pets in her trailer park were sick/dying and we treated her with tetracycline which worked and penicillan family would not work on most animal bourne diseases). Many animal bourne diseases are not isolated/known/characterized.
And one should at least consider autoimmune diseases, tuberculosis, thyroid disease. Tumor if there are either a LOT of nodes or VERY odd and huge nodes.
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on mono YES
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since CMV, ebv and even a non-virus toxoplasmosis are all classified as 'mono' and all can do this (do you own cats? they carry toxo).
ok... there are multiple types of parvovirus so, I'm not sure if one can get different types at different times... it is more aches than it is lymph nodes.
Mono is still top of my list.
heh, my bad habit is answering before the question is asked.
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but I disagree with them about treating it. We just miss most of the illness from it! Doesn't mean it wasn't making people sick if we as doctors didn't figure out what it was.
By this point, the antibody test would be positive. If the acute antibody level is elevated (IgM) then, yup, this is that. If it isn't, but the long term antibody level is NON-ZERO, it very likely is toxoplasmosis.
Sulfa drug is the best. I believe tetracycline works. Maybe the quinolones. The only one I'm sure works is sulfa drug. And... penicillin family definitely does nothing to toxo.
I'm learning a lot tonght!
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If the patient has a hypersensitivity reaction to sulfa drugs, pyrimethamine plus clindamycin can be used instead.
The definitive guide to toxoplasmosis.
On the other hand, there were the other possiblities mentioned. ALso, if your EOSINOPHILS are elevated on the blood count two other possibilities are an allergic reaction to something or parasite infection (ok... toxo can also elevate eosinophils; and worms causing this is a huge stretch of the imagination, but I'm trying to include everything).
You're very welcome!
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sadly, toxo is the only mono we have a treatment for !
the rest mean you are going to be like this for probably most of the month.
(yes, your viewpoints are correct on the toxo; it isn't all that common. although I might want to get my antibody tested since I've only owned indoor/outdoor cats and do change the litter box, although I always always wash hands a lot).
thank you again for very interesting questions!
antibody testing likely to show
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which of the mono organisms it could be. Biopsy of node is just not likely to be anything but an expensive waste of time--never had that help.
Best of luck, and good night.
goodnight !
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and best of luck!
(they require us to write responses to all replies, sorry if it seems like I'm going on a bit).
you're very welcome and I really appreciate the question. I'm always getting ready for board exams which I have to recertify every 10 years in one topic and every 5 in another, so this is the way I review.