What Causes Sharp Pain Tongue With Bleeding?
Various causes sir, needs evaluation
Detailed Answer:
Hello sir and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help.
Such pains on the tongue especially those which cause a person to wake from their sleep in ny experience has various causes. But with the added symptom of bleeding at times, does narrow the search down a bit to the following causes:
-Tempero-mandibular joint disorders (which results in clenching of teeth, grinding teeth, and at times causes injury to the tongue)
-Vitamin deficiencies (especially folic acid and iron)
-Vascular abnormalities
-Tumors (rare)
-Trigeminal neuralgia
And a few others.
I would recommend a visit to your doctors to get elaboratelt examined. Checking the more common causes first, and if ruled out, an MRI of the brain would be beneficial sir. But please do visit your doctor.
I hope you find my response helpful. Please do not hesitate to write to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help.
Best wishes.
All queries addressed sir
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again sir.
It is good to know that your MRI did not show any abnormalities, although in some cases the first MRI has found to be premature and if, all other conditions that can cause such symptoms are addressed, yet the problem exists, a repeat MRI should be ordered.
As for folic acid, it is also known as vitamin B9. Please request for serum vitamin B9 levels and address all deficiencies.
As for trigeminal neuralgia, it is a condition in which the trigeminal nerve which carries sensation from the face to the head can trigger excruciating pain even on mild stimulation like touching your face, yawning, etc. Pain can also be in any specific parts supplied by the trigeminal nerve like teeth, jaw, gums, etc.
By vascular abnormalities, I meant various conditions that result in abnormalities of the blood vessels resulting in weakness of the blood vessels, disease, thickened walls, clots, emboli, etc. All these abnormalities can result in symptoms like pain in the region where they are present or to the area they supply.
Temporomandibular joint disorders are conditions in which the muscles controlling the jaw and the bones of the jaw result in pain on movement. There are various causes for TMJ disorders, but to name a few of the most common ones we have direct injuries, arthritis, etc.
I hope I have explained things in a manner best understood by you. Please do not hesitate to write back to me for any further clarifications, I am always available to help.
Best wishes sir.