What Causes Short Duration Of Nausea Along With Lower Quadrant Pain?
gastric discomfort. Needs symptomatic treatment
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for asking
I read your question and I understand your concern. short duration nausea with lower quadrant pain is likely gastric discomfort also called intestinal flu and it self resolves. Just keep the diet soft and fibrous and take some Prokinetics like metoclopramide etc. For the cough you may take any cough suppressant syrup over the counter. Rest for a while and see if the symptoms subside. If they do well and good if not then you would need a doctor to narrow the differentials of this etiology. Here are the common causes of nausea.
Motion sickness or seasickness
Early stages of pregnancy (nausea occurs in approximately 50%-90% of all pregnancies; vomiting in 25%-55%)
Medication-induced vomiting
Intense pain
Emotional stress (such as fear)
Gallbladder disease
Food poisoning
Infections (such as the "stomach flu")
A reaction to certain smells or odors
Heart attack
Concussion or brain injury
Brain tumor
Some forms of cancer
Bulimia or other psychological illnesses
Gastroparesis or slow stomach emptying (a condition that can be seen in people with diabetes)
Ingestion of toxins or excessive amounts of alcohol
The causes of vomiting differ according to age. For children, it is common for vomiting to occur from a viral infection, food poisoning, milk allergy, motion sickness, overeating or feeding, coughing, or blocked intestines and illnesses in which the child has a high fever.
The timing of the nausea or vomiting can indicate the cause. When appearing shortly after a meal, nausea or vomiting may be caused by food poisoning, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining), an ulcer, or bulimia. Nausea or vomiting one to eight hours after a meal may also indicate food poisoning. However, certain food- borne bacteria, such as salmonella, can take longer to produce symptoms.
I hope it helps. Take good care of yourself and don't forget to close the discussion please.