What Causes Sleep Apnea?
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Detailed Answer:
Dear patient. I understand your concerns. such sensations can be caused bz several causes. Fortunatelz most of these are benign and usually this is caused by anxiety, but of course some other specific disorders should be considered. It can be seen in condition called sleep apnea, which is difficult to prove but there are specific tests which could be done in centres specilized for sleep disorders. sleep apnea can occur with no detectible reason but also can be seen in people who snore or in those with chronic lung diseases (smokers, COPD). second most common cause is stomach issue. such breatinhing difficultieas are seen in hiatal hernia or GERD especially of you have swalloving difficulites. As I alreadz mentioned, anxiety can be primary cause and usually is, but also anxiety will cause aggravation of symptoms in all those above mentioned causes. fortunately ,brain damage or serious consequances are not something that can easily happen and it will just cause awakening and sensation of choking. serious effects are really rare and usually seen in older people with serious heart and lung diseases. At thi spoint i suggest to sleep with elevated upper body, dont eat at least 3 hours prior to sleeping,avoid food that causes bloating,sleep in bigger room with opened windows. Do tests for sleep apnea, gastroscopy and lung ventilation tests. I still think this is probably anxiety but if symptoms persist then these tests are neccesary.