What Causes Sore Itchy Blister And Crusty Raw Sores On Chest And Neck?
Hepetic Whitlow
Detailed Answer:
I checked the pictures and read through the description. Both of them are classical to Herpes simplex viral lesions. The way they heal, the way they presented on your daughter was typical of herpes.
I would suggest you to meet a Dermatologist for a prescription of Acyclovir. Since she had a stressful process of miscarriage the herpes which was lying dormant on the nerve cells erupted all of a sudden.
This is curable completely with medications. FOr the itching and remaining lesions apply CALAMINE lotion four times a day, a nerve analagesic like Gabapentin should help. Please see your doctor for all the medication prescriptions I mentioned.
Thank you and good luck. If you do not have any more queries please close our discussion.
Is it contagious?
Yes a form of shingles
Detailed Answer:
Yes this is equal to shingles. yes it is contagious to persons who did not had shingles yet. It spreads to close contacts and would not spread by air and water.
Please be careful till scabs and falls of its own.
Hope this answers. if you do not have any more queries please close our discussion.
I have a one week old son and ever since he came home from the hospital he has had watery diarrhoea but he's eating every 3 hrs for at least an hour. Why is it still diarrhoea
Is the baby active?
Detailed Answer:
Do you feed him apart from breast milk? If yes then diarrhoea is bound to happen. The babies can only digest mother's milk and nothing and nothing else.
I suggest exclusive breast feeding for the baby. In case you are not able to please see a lactation expert/nurse who can guide you alternatives.
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