What Causes Sore Throat, Dark Spot On Throat And Vomiting?
They do not itch but she gets new ones every day and this evening she started vomiting. I am very concerned.
It could be EBV infection.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to the HCM.
Dear what history and signs and symptoms you have mentioned are very common in Epstein barr virus (EBV) infection.Which is common in teenagers and can spread through saliva,kissing,coughing,sneezing and drinking or sharing water, food from the infected person who has this infection.
Commonly this type of infection is called infectious mononucleosis or kissing disease.
Mostly this infection is self limiting and subsides on its own within four to six weeks with out treatment.Some time it can cause complications like sore throat,fever,rashes (more common after taking amoxicillin ),abdominal pain,vomiting ,liver infection and enlarged spleen and lymphnodes.
The scenario you have described should be evaluated for infectious mononucleosis by investigating white blood cells and mono spot test to detect the antibodies.
I would suggest get her physical examination by nearby doctor to be checkecd thoroughly for enlarged glands,lymphnodes or spleen enlargement.Until that you may give her plenty of fluids,antiemetics( ondasteron)and pain killers as per need.
Hopefully I answered your question,you may ask further ,if you have more questions to ask.