What Causes Stomach Pain And Back Pain?
Gastrointestinal abnormality, needs diagnosing
Detailed Answer:
Hello ma'am and welcome.
Thank you for writing to us.
I have gone through your query with diligence and would like you to know that I am here to help.
I am sorry to say that based on your symptoms it appears that you could be suffering from a gastrointestinal condition. Although only further investigations can confirm the exact diagnosis, here is a list of the most plausible conditions that you could be suffering from:
-Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): Symptoms include heartburn spreading the throat, chest pain and back pain, dry cough, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, acid reflux, feeling of lump in throat, etc.
-Peptic ulcer: Symptoms include heartburn, chest pain, back pain, weight loss, vomiting, nausea, headaches, loss of appetite, acid reflux, etc.
-Gastric ulcers
and a few others.
I would request you to visit a doctor for an elaborate evaluation and treatment accordingly ma'am. But for the time being you could do the following:
-Avoid fatty/fried/oily food
-Avoid spicy food
-Avoid overeating
-Avoid carbonated drinks
-Drink plenty of water
-Do not leave long gaps between meals
-Take an over the counter antacid (eg. gelusil syrup and/or rantac)
-Avoid stress
-Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
I hope you find my response both helpful and informative ma'am. Please feel free to write back to me for any further clarifications, I would be more than happy to help you.
Best wishes.