What Causes Subcortical Microvascular Disease?
Subcortical Micro-vascular disease
Detailed Answer:
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Subcortical micro vascular disease is marked by micro vascular brain injury related to angiopathy, including lacunar infarcts and white matter changes in the brain. It can be associated with symptoms of cognitive impairment, mood and balance disorders and urinary dysfunction. The only preventable factor is controlling hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes which are both involved in vessel remodeling and narrowing. Subcortical Micro-vascular can be considered related to aging. There is no specific treatment that reverses these changes in the vasculature of the brain.
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Dr. M.S. Khalil
Detailed Answer:
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As I mentioned before, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes are important vascular risk factors that need to be identified and controlled. Progression and prognosis will depend upon the current status of the patient clinically. If there are no personality changes, cognitive impairment, mood ,balance disorders and urinary dysfunction then probably its a very early disease stage which may progress slowly. However , its individual and the pace of progression or worsening cant be predicted accurately.
Detailed Answer:
Subcortical micro vascular disease is marked by abnormality of the small vessels due to injury to the small vessels in the brain. These lead to decreased perfusion and subsequent lack of blood supply and other essential nutrients to the brain tissue.
If she has high blood pressure, diabetes or high levels of lipids then antihypertensive, anti diabetic and lipid lowering drugs like statins can be advised to slow the progression of the disease. Symptomatic treatment would involve betahistine for vertigo and SSRIs for the depression/anxiety.
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Detailed Answer:
The progression and prognosis is dependent on the modifiable factors described previously such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes. If they are controlled better than the progression can be slowed and prognosis would be better. There is no fixed pace that can be predicted as it can vary from person to person Subcortical Micro-vascular disease can affect the personality, thinking capability, memory and orientation of a person with time.
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