What Causes Sudden Loss Of Power In Legs While Treating BP?
Visit doctor as soon as possible
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for posting in HCM.
What exactly is the problem when you attempt to stand or walk?
1. Is it stiffness in legs?
2. Or is it like you are not able to generate power enough to support your weight on your legs?
There might be neurological reason behind this.
I would like to advise you to go to your doctor as soon as possible. A detailed clinical examination is required to test tone, muscle power, reflexes in your legs. If something is found wrong in the examination then CT BRAIN or MRI brain might be required.
As you are on laxatives, electrolyte disturbance can also cause weakness in legs.
Kindly go to your doctor and get testings done to diagnose the cause of your problem.
Any other questions if you have kindly ask me back.
Thank you
Heavy breathing, Is it vitamin b12 deficiency as doctor diagnosed and prescribed injection?
usually no. better consult your doctor immediately
Detailed Answer:
Hello thanks for following up.
B12 deficiency will not cause sudden loss of power in legs. It will usually cause gradual loss of power and sense.
I feel it might be due to some other cause in your spinal cord probably. But as I cant examine you it will be difficult to tell.
Hence I would like you to visit your doctor early and get the before said tests and investigations done.
Hope it helps.
Thank you