What Causes Swelling Of Conjunctiva Associated With Pain?
Please advise what should i do or take.
Thanks in advance
It seems inflammation of eye like conjunctivitis.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Health care magic.
I am Dr. DADAPEER K, an Ophthalmologist and I answer health problems related to eye.
It seems from the history that you are having swelling of conjunctiva associated with pain, discomfort and watering.
These symptoms indicate inflammation of the eye like acute conjunctivitis or episcleritis....
I usually treat inflammations of the eye by use of antibiotic eye drops like ciprofloxacin eye drops one drops 4-6 times per day. Along with this analgesic tablets can be used for symptomatic relief from pain and discomfort.
Since you are also having a swelling on the white part of the eye, need to have a look at it to confirm the diagnosis.
If possible do send a photo of the affected eye so that I can confirm the diagnosis and advice you more accurately.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
With regards
Thank you
I have attached a photo for your perusal. Please see if it helps you in the diagnosis. The white part besides being red is also swollen and looks like white jelly with a watery film over it. Right behind it there is mild pain.
It seems inflammation of eye like episcleritis.
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for the follow up question.
I saw the photo it appears like sectoral swelling involving one sector of the eye and it resembles inflammatory condition of the eye like episcleritis.
I usually treat these inflammations with antibioitcs as I mentioned in the previous answer and along with this topical anti-inflammatory eye drops like ketorolac 3 to 4 times per day.
This usually responds in 4-6 days. If the condition is not responding to treatment or if it is recurrent steroid eye drops may be required. These drops should be used under supervision of eye doctor. Hence I advice you to consult your eye doctor if the condition does not respond or if the severity increases.
Hope the information is helpful to you.
Thank you
Your advise has been very helpful
Thank you
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Thank you for writing to Health care magic.
With regards