What Causes Swelling On The Foot And Joint Stiffness After A Surgery?
He also flew for business yesterday and today.
Cellulitis or deep vein thrombosis . need further information please .
Detailed Answer:
Hello dear
Thanks for using Healthcaremagic.com
I have evaluated your query thoroughly .
* Seems possibility of cellulitis or early deep vein thrombosis .
Kindly provide some more details so that I can answer your query completely .
1. Swelling of right foot - extent , duration , progress since onset , any changes in
size as less when rest , more when travel .
2. Overlying skin - warm or cold
3. Pain - type , frequency , intensity , severity .
4. Left leg absolutely okay no swelling .
5. Zetia stopping was advised by doctor or he stopped on his own .
6. Other systemic details as fever , urinary frequency alterations .
7. Is he diabetic .
Awaiting for your response .
Regards .
2. Not sure about overlying skin, he is sleeping.
3. Pain, stiff sore, very painful
4. Not sure about left leg.
5. Stopped Zetia on his own thinking it might be causing joint pain.
6. No fever, not sure about urinary frequency
7. He is not diabetic
8 He does take high blood pressure meds. He has check his blood pressure the last 3 day and it is high.
Cellulitis from prolong dependent positions.suggestions provided .
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for the details .
* Seems more of cellulitis with prolong dependent positions ( due to travelling ) .
* Recommendations for better recovery
- Keep the right leg elevated over 3 pillows when resting .
- Ice pack application 4 - 5 times a day each for 5 minutes duration .
- Remain ambulatory , but travelling strictly not advisable ( that will worsen the
swelling )
- Start Zetia as previous dose recommendations .
- Consuming Tab. Tylenol ( 500 ) mg 3 times a day after meals will give better
pain control .
- Avoid smoking or alcohol if using .
- Follow up after 48 hrs about the progress of the condition ( so whether any
work up is necessary or not can be evaluated ) .
Hope this will help you .
Welcome for further assistance .
Wishing him fine recovery .
Regards dear take care .