What Causes Swollen Lymph Nodes In The Neck?
Sore throat
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to HealthcareMagic and thanks for putting up the query,
Propranolol is not a sedative. So they might have used something else (may be you meant to say Propofol).
Lymph node enlargement and sore throat can occur following any oral procedure as you might have got some infection. It can be fungal or bacterial infection.
But the neck spasm is probably positional, it's just momentary, don't worry.
Please let me know, why did you get the endoscopy done ? Any difficulty in swallowing ?
Please start using Hexidine gargles twice to thrice daily and take an oral muscle relaxant (eg. Ibuprofen, Naproxen etc.).
Take an antacid (eg. Ranitidine or Prilosec) on daily basis also.
Please let me know those required information in details and if possible, please send me the pictures of your throat so that I can suggest you better. You can simply upload/attach them at the reports section of this web-page.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Thanks and regards