What Causes Swollen Tonsils Post Unprotected Sex?
I think all of the stressing had given me some type of sleeping disorder because when ever I tried to go to sleep, the closer I got to drifting off to sleep, I would start to panic. If I actually dozed off, I would find myself jerking awake in a panic attack where my body would go numb and my heart would be racing. That has gotten better.
It has been about a month and two weeks and I am now experiencing neck pain, sometimes it feels like my chest is heavy, when I use the the bathroom I don't have complete diarrhea but my stool is definitely not as firm ,I guess you can say, as it used to be and it gives me that burning sensation that diarrhea gives me. It also doesn't feel like I completely finish.
I keep trying to convince myself not to worry but because of the timing of all of this I can't help but to worry.
. Swollen tonsils lasted about 5 days (two of which where painless
.tiredness last about 2 days
Not sure if these were signs of HIV infection.
HIV is not likely
Detailed Answer:
I've read your description and it doesn't sound like HIV at all. HIV would usually cause a more protracted course (an unusual tonsillitis). Your case seems like a common viral upper respiratory tract infection.
Of course there is no way to be sure about it unless you do the HIV test. If I were your doctor, I wouldn't have ordered this test but if you'd like to be absolutely certain you should do it now and repeat it after 3-6 months (if negative).
It would be wise to use safety measures (condoms for example) since this is not a 'normal' relationship and you can't (probably) be sure that your partner hadn't have sex with other men.
Contact me again, if you'd like any clarification or further information.
Kind Regards!
is this still not unusual?
it's common
Detailed Answer:
Swollen tonsils and neck lymph nodes are common findings in tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Many viral and bacterial infections may share the same clinical picture, so your doctor can't discriminate between them with accuracy, although there are some findings that may allow an estimation.
In HIV primary infection, lymph node enlargement is expected and perhaps not confined to the neck only. The axilla and groin nodes may be involved and the liver and spleen may be enlarged as well. What's more important is the duration of the disease. HIV usually lasts for weeks, while most of the other potential causes last for days. The Epstein-Barr Virus (infectious mononucleosis) may also last for weeks and this is far more common than HIV.
So this disease doesn't remind me of HIV, but only testing can prove me right or wrong (hopefully not) !
Kind Regards!
that would be a great decision
Detailed Answer:
Staying on the safe side is always the right option. In a stable relationship you can feel more secure but in this kind of relationships you've got to be careful because the risk may be low but the stakes are high!
Kind Regards!