I also take effient a blood thinner.....and
aspirin 325...the tea colored urine only shows up in morning (3 times over four months) the next time I urinate is normal...the thing that got me nervous was that I took the urine test at work and the one I saved that was tea color showed blood but the one I took two days later that was a light yellow...showed a tad darker yellow on strip......I am worried about cancer. Again I am worried about cancer.
1.kidney stone small...
gall bladder inflammation SAME TIME
2.heart had four stents -one stent six months ago and three one year ago
3.ER twice for
high blood pressure and dehydrated. I never drink water just ginger ale
4.ENT doctor high pitched noise in ear and as heart beats
TESTS in last year -
Endoscopy, CT scan of stomach and intestine, MRI for Kidney , aortic test, chest x-rays, physical prostrate exam, blood work up (45 blood tests in last year) ,
carotid artery, echo, ekg, CT of brain, doppler of legs and Hep C test I asked for.
* Hep C test I asked for because had friend who was dying of Hep C live with us last six months of his life....so just being cautious. NEGATIVE
Effient 10, Crestor 5mg,
Ecotrin 325mg,
Metoprolol 25mg