What Causes Tearing Left-sided Pain Through Abdomen, Constipation And Hot Flashes?
History: Had emergency gall bladder surgery approx. 4-5 years ago; gallstones in gall bladder and in ducts. Have diverticulosis and am gluten intolerant. Take Citrucel 1-2 x daily and avoid foods with gluten. Have never had current symptoms from the diverticulosis or gluten intolerance, so I feel it's something more serious.
Recent medical procedures: Have seen doctor (general practitioner) twice in past 5 weeks. Had abdominal X-ray, blood tests and CT. CT shows diverticulosis, not even diverticulitis. A few years ago, this clinic was unable to see the gall stones in my tests right before I was referred to a clinic in a larger city for emergency surgery to remove the gall bladder and stones in my ducts. Thus, based on their error in the past and on the facts that I have never experienced the tearing pain in my left side, intermittant vomiting and inability to eat normally, I need a second opinion. I also just made an appointment with the gastroenterology dept. of the clinic in a larger city. In the meantime, the pain in my left side is gradually increasing.
Please give additional information.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query and an elucidate history which is so clear and self explanatory.
To recapitulate the important points: Female/57 -tearing pain down left side of abdomen - gradually increased in *last month - *painful to touch - nausea - intermittent vomiting - inability to eat normally - Light beige to *white colored squiggly stools -Constipation, hot flash then break out into cold sweat and sometimes vomit on BM - H/O emergency gall bladder and bile duct stone surgery 4-5 years ago - * Diverticulosis - *gluten intolerance - Seen GP twice in past 5 weeks - X-ray, CT - no blockage on CT - appointment made with GI dept - needs second opinion - pain increasing gradually.
Please give me some additional information for me to assist you further:
- Is there jaundice, yellow urine?
- Any referred pain to the back?
- Any bloating/distension of abdomen?
- Any fever, chills?
- Any urinary symptoms?
- Please provide any other additional information which may be or may not be seen to be related to the present problems.
Answers to these queries will add on to your elucidate history and help me to assist you better.
Thanks you.
Awaiting for your feedback.
2. No referred pain in the back. The tearing pain is strictly on left side of abdomen from just under my bra down to my hip. There is discomfort on my right side, but it's very minor compared to the left. This past Monday morning, I ate no food, but my belly was swollen/distended with extreme gas. After a few hours I vomited several times, slept and woke up with less gas but still had pain down the left side.
3. No fever, but I rarely get a fever when I am ill. I did not have a fever when I was suffering from the then undiagnosed gall stones a few years back. I do have the chills, with an occassional hot flash that leaves me shaky.
4. I do think that one of my issues is chronic inflammation.
5. No urinary tract infection, but intestinal bloating is putting pressure on my bladder.
6. I now have access to results of my CT, X-ray and bloodwork that were done last week. Is there a way I can forward them to you?
Please get preliminary tests as advised till you see GI Doctor
Detailed Answer:
Sincere thanks for your detailed feedback you have put forth that has added on the information to get to the possible diagnosis.
Now considering all the information you have given the possible diagnosis I can think about are:
- Entero-colitis with maximum inflammation of the descending colon giving you maximum pain and tenderness on the left side as you have explained so well and the discomfort on the right side too explains this along with the history of hot flash, chills, vomiting and so on.
- Another possibility is of having jaundice or so should be considered and investigated for.
- Possibility of infection/inflammation of diverticuli should also be borne in mind as well as the remote possibility of an ulcer or a mass in the colon.
I would advise you the following:
- Tests of blood, particularly for CBC to see for raised WBC, Liver function tests, Thyroid function tests, Blood sugar, Kidney function and as may be required as per the clinical evaluation by your Doctor now and Gastroenterologist then.
- Test of stool will help a lot in diagnosis.
- Test of urine, including tests of bile salts and pigments.
- Ultrasonography to review (CT scan already done) and repeat CT scan if ultrasonography indicates so.
- On consultation of a Gastroenterologist, you shall be going for upper GI and Lower GI endoscopies and further tests as decided by clinical evaluation and the other test reports.
You may please attach the reports along with this query or send by email to the office.
I hope this answer helps you for an early diagnosis and proper treatment.
Please feel free to ask for further relevant queries if you need to or if you feel that there is a gap of communication.
You are most welcome.
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your appreciation.
Waiting for your reports.
Good evening.
Most awaited.
Detailed Answer:
Sure, I am waiting to know the feedback as well as the reports.
Have a great day.