What Causes Tender Masses On The Left Side Of Head?
Needs urgent care as explained
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
To recapitulate: Male/52 - recuperating right inguinal hernia surgery - developed 2 masses on the side of head - above left eye - tender - sensing another alongside left ear - ear inside is sore - hearing left reduced - left eye straining and watery - miserable headache - feeling tired ...
The explanation of the symptoms is most probably suggestive of abscess formation causing all the symptoms attributable to it.
I think these need urgent attendance by your Doctor, preferably a General Surgeon and needs drainage if liquefied, antibiotic coverage and investigations.
Please attend ER ASAP.
Since you have been operated for hernia, abscess of such nature can cause problems with hernia surgery, particularly if prolene mesh has been inserted.
I hope this answer helps you to avoid further complications, please feel free to ask for further there is a gap of communication.