What Causes Thickening Of Uterus Lining?
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Detailed Answer:
Thanks for writing to us.
Yes! thickening of uterus lining may be a serious sign in postmenopausal patient, but it is not a case with you because you are on hormonal therapy in the past (they may also cause thickening of uterus lining).
I have to ask one question to you that what is the thickness of endometrium in your ultrasonography?
Is it more then 4-5 mm?
In your case 6-7 mm can be consider normal because previously you are on hormonal therapy and you are not bleeding.
But in my opinion also you must go for endometrial biopsy (which you have already plan ) to rule out endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer ( are very common at this age).
I think I have answered your query if you have further questions I will be happy to help you.
Good luck.
Dr. Richa