What Causes Throat Irritation With Blood In Mucus?
My throat burns and I throw-up little blood too what it could be ?
Please provide more information
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to health care magic.
I really appreciate your concern and I will try to help you out in best possible way
At the outset I would like further information to help you better
your age and relevant information?
are you having cough
Since how long you are having this problem
Have you seen doctor or taken any medicine
In my opinion it seems to be treatable condition so need not to worry, however I would advise you for a battery of tests like blood for hemoglobin, CBC, ESR, X ray chest and CT chest if need be.
You may require a course of antibiotics under supervision
You should do gargling with warm saline water or antiseptic mouth wash.
Please write back to me with these details so that I will be able to tell you more precisely.
Thanks for your reply.
I am 23 years old .
i am not having cough .
It happened just once today only .
i am not taking any medicine till now.
anti emetic and anti acidity medicines
Detailed Answer:
welcome again
Throat pain might be related to infection or inflammation of the throat.
Throwing up mixed up with a blood warrants detailed evaluation
I would advise you to consult a nearest GP for physical examination and recording of blood pressure as well as lab investigations as I advised in my previous reply.
You may require a course of antibiotics for throat pain and anti acidity and anti emetic drug for throwing up.
If you see blood again in vomiting or coughing you should immediately see a doctor for confirmation of diagnosis.
Meanwhile do warm saline gargles, have plenty of fluids and avoid fried and spicy food
Hope this answers your question
Best wishes